is an example of e-commerce success. Michael Dell, founder of Dell. Dell is a leader in the global technology industry. Dell currently direct sales in 13 markets which are Australia, Brunei, China, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.
Dell key success factors: FIRSTLY, created a disciplined culture that focuses on optimizing its operational model, responding to its customers' needs in a timely and reasonable manner and sustaining a self-motivated workforce. SECONDLY, Dell selling computers via web site. It convenient to customer to buy computer, it save cost and time. THIRDLY, information is a powerful strategic weapon. Information is king at Dell; it is widely distributed, analyzed and acted upon. People can know where they and their business units stand at any time. Customer can easily obtain information any detail about their preferable products through their website. FOURTHLY, being a low cost provider creates flexibility and market advantage. Being a low cost provider unlocks market opportunities. LASTLY. Dell also improves the product quality at the lower costs. The reason because there is no intermediation cost incurred between Dell Company and customers which been called customer-focused direct business model.
More companies are relying on Dell to help them simplify IT With Dell's Global Customer Program because Dell is able to provide a specific suite of services to its Asian customers with worldwide operations.